Monday, February 15, 2010

Texas drivers have one final chance to pay outstanding toll bills

A final reminder is going out to drivers that owe outstanding toll bills. In the past, TXDOT has let some outstanding toll bills pass, but now they are going to the Texas courts. The article says that at one point, TXDOT was working with drivers and arranging a plan where they had a three month grace period and if they paid in full and opened a TX tag account, they would get a 90 percent discount on their unpaid balance. This seemed to help the revenues that Texas drivers owed but not all of them. The unpaid balances are now going to court which will then cause drivers to pay court fees and absolutely no way to make payment plans unless the particular judge agrees. This could be trouble for those who owe money and do not have the cash to do so. I believe it is pretty thoughtful and appropriate for TXDOT to warn Texans of this change so that they can do something about it before it becomes serious!

About Me

Austin, Texas, United States
I consider myself an Independent that has sort of been leaning more republican my whole life because of family influences. I am open minded about most issues and like to hear both sides. I am interested in taking this class to gain a better understanding of Texas Government and all that comes along with it. I believe that I will get beneficial knowlege for the future out of this.