Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Care on the Menu

According to "The Right Standard" blog site, which leans toward the conservative right side, the article Health Care On The Menu discusses a pretty valid issue that Republicans against Obama's healthcare reform have.
The article speaks about the fact that with Obama's healthcare reform, it would be required by law for small businesses to offer their employees health insurance. This leads to the issue that small businesses cannot afford this and would be forced to raise prices on their products to be able to comply to the law. As a result, some customers may become angry and revenues will fall, possibly causing the small business to lose customers and maybe even close their doors for good. The article also mentions that cities as large as San Francisco have lost around two hundred small businesses in the last four years. This cannot be good. The writer believes that President Obama has not put into consideration all of the consequences that the Healthcare Reform may have.
This article is on a right leaning conservative website, which seems to me that it would be aimed at the right wing crew of Republicans but everyone should take this into consideration. It seems credible because of the embedded link that the blogger adds for Fox News.
I agree with the blogger on this issue because it is legitimate and it makes sense why this law has not been established in the past. Our future will pay for the mistakes made as long as President Obama continues to push irresponsible policies to satisfy his own political agenda.

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About Me

Austin, Texas, United States
I consider myself an Independent that has sort of been leaning more republican my whole life because of family influences. I am open minded about most issues and like to hear both sides. I am interested in taking this class to gain a better understanding of Texas Government and all that comes along with it. I believe that I will get beneficial knowlege for the future out of this.