The issue of immigration and illegal immigrants coming into Texas' boundaries has been an on-going concern for some time now. According to the
Texas Tribune, the Migration Policy Institute has reported that over 1 million illegal immigrants and their children reside in Texas at this time. Texans are just plain tired of this costly nonsense. Tax payers are paying for the illegal aliens to live with money that could be very beneficial in other areas of our agenda. Because the federal government has talked and talked and put no action into this problem, Texans believe that the state should step in and do something about it. The issue seems now with getting anti-immigration laws to pass, as many bills have come along and have not passed.
Immigrant advocates have been working against the anti-immigration laws as they argue that the illegal immigrants are crucial to our economy as they fill jobs such as construction and some service industry jobs. Their main concern is that some businesses will fail as a result of the laws.
Seeing both sides of the issue, my support lies with the anti-immigration crew. I agree businesses should be penalized if they are caught with employees that they are aware are illegal. It just seems fair.
On my fellow classmates post about immigration I agree with the side of illegal immigration must stop. However, there was not enough facts for me to feel obligated to take her side in the post from what was stated. I feel as an outsider looking in on the issue that I still have no clue where the writer had the facts to show how bad of a problem this really was. Also, there was no clear opinion stated on the matter except a very soft ending paragraph about how he or she was anti-immigration and businesses should be penalized for hiring illegal immigrants. There is a lot more out there to on this issue to back the information of anti-immigration such as these immigrants are using fake social security numbers and not paying any of the FICA taxes that legal American citizens have to pay with every paycheck. Also, how most do not have car insurance so when they get in a motor vehicle accident which they are at fault, the other motorists must pay out of their insurance which cost thousands of dollars a year. I do agree with my classmate but fell there was much more substance to be put in on this article to back his or her point.
ReplyDeleteThe issue of illegal immaration across the teaxas boarders, the immigration activists push that the use of illegal immigrants is crutial in filling jobs in feilds such a construction. However I belive that with the continuing growth of illegal immigrants in this state it is taking away jobs that could go to the people who are native cititzens to the state.
ReplyDeleteIf the sate were to step in and continue the push of anit-immigration into the state the jobs that were originally filled by illegal immigrants could go to the that of the people who have no job and need it who are citizens of the state. If the people that are citizens were to have the jobs that illegal immigrants do the money would be taxed and that would go back in to the economy which would stimulate the economy unlike the money being paid to the illegal immigrants which isnt being taxed.
Looking at both sides of the issue I support the anti-immigrationists who are continuing the push for more protection on the boarders to help lower the number of illegal immigrants into Texas.
One of my fellow classmates, Kristen posted an article about Immigration In Texas. She states the article says that illegal immigration should stop and Texas should take control and make their own laws since the Federal Government isn’t taking any actions yet. There weren’t many facts in the article stated about the status of immigration in Texas and she didn’t go into detail why she supported anti-immigration. She did state though that the Migration Policy Institute has reported that over 1 million illegal immigrants and their children reside in Texas at this time. This is a very big number for that many illegal immigrants to be living in Texas. I do agree with my classmate on some extent to the subject. I think we should have a better plan to stop illegal immigrants coming into our state. But I also believe a lot of these immigrants hold jobs that many other Americans wouldn’t be willing to do such as construction. I believe the illegal immigrants that are already here in Texas or anywhere in America should be able to get citizenship so we don’t have this problem and they are paying taxes which seem to be a important issue in this article. I know this very hard to get all these people citizenship but we should try to get as many as we can. People want to come to America and get their kids better education and live better lives so we should be able to give it to them but yes we should also do it the right way and stop people from crossing the border with fake social security numbers and passports. It is hard for me to pick sides on this issue just because my parents were immigrants and I wouldn’t have the things I have today without them coming here. But I do believe we need to have laws to stop immigration but not get rid of the existing ones right now.