Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My classmate wrote an original editorial about the census and it's turn out rate thus far. I completely agree with what she says and the questions that she is wondering about why there are so many people who haven't filled out the forms. I do believe that there are many places that could benefit if the census was just filled out and turned in. So many people are too wrapped up in their lives to realize how much the lack of information could hurt our community, city, state etc. I think that the idea of sending out the census a second time and having census workers going door- to- door is a very pushy but good idea to try to reinstate the importance. I completely support this!

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About Me

Austin, Texas, United States
I consider myself an Independent that has sort of been leaning more republican my whole life because of family influences. I am open minded about most issues and like to hear both sides. I am interested in taking this class to gain a better understanding of Texas Government and all that comes along with it. I believe that I will get beneficial knowlege for the future out of this.