Sunday, May 9, 2010

Legalizing Marijuana

When reading my colleagues writing on her opinion on the legalization of marijuana, I completely disagree. I do believe that this person should have used more facts to make her point but since this is an editorial, I guess that does work. First off, I do not smoke marijuana but I know plenty of educated individuals who do. Legalizing marijuana would create a new multi-billion dollar industry in the United States with a substance that can be taxed by the Federal Government thereby generating more money to fund government programs and create more government jobs. Isn't that exactly what we need? Marijuana has also been proven on more than one occasion to not cause cancer unlike it's legal counterparts tobacco and alcohol. Patients suffering from things like Cancer, Aids, chronic pain and insomnia would have easy access to a natural pain reliever. With that being said, I think the least of our worries would be that people would be walking around more calm and "chill-faced" then usual.

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About Me

Austin, Texas, United States
I consider myself an Independent that has sort of been leaning more republican my whole life because of family influences. I am open minded about most issues and like to hear both sides. I am interested in taking this class to gain a better understanding of Texas Government and all that comes along with it. I believe that I will get beneficial knowlege for the future out of this.